
The aim of EcoGaming is to increase the environmental competencies of young people via gamified non-formal learning. There is an increasing body of research that introducing fun activities and games to educational environments can stimulate learning. "Serious games", or games designed for a primary goal different from pure entertainment can be part of learning activities.

Young people require deeper understanding and attitude around sustainable living and climate change. The EcoGaming project is going to provide this knowledge in a youth-friendly form - via a board game that will have a digital extension.

The EcoGaming project aims to:
-  Raise awareness about ecologically sustainable behaviours and climate change among young people.
- Improve the quality and innovation of youth workers, educators, coaches by introducing the method of gamification in non-formal education.
- Increase the digital competencies of young people and youth workers via developing digital materials and games about fighting climate change, loss of biodiversity, and supporting food security.

This project, therefore, aims at fostering skills development and key competencies in knowledge about environmental protection through civic participation by creating innovative practices, tools, and methodologies within the field of youth education.

The project ultimately aims at young people aged 15-20 years old from various backgrounds, with or without previous knowledge about environmental issues, as well as with or without digital skills.
The gamified learning tool will be developed together with and for this group.
The project also aims to increase the competencies of frontline youth workers, educators, and coaches that work directly with youth audiences.