Our Partners

EME European Mobility and Education (Italy)

EME is a non-profit association promoting education, culture, and social inclusion.
The association aims to help young people feel more self-confident, develop their skills and enter the labour market, while gaining experience abroad.
EME works in the fields of culture, training, education, entertainment, tourism, animation, communication, and preservation of traditions. It also carries out social activities designed and implemented directly by youth.

Association My Madeira Island (Portugal)

Associação My Madeira Island is a non-profit association with the aim of supporting the cultural and social development of Madeira Island through the organization of various cultural and educational events and online activities; and helping young people find online employment opportunities (due to a very limited job market on the island) through the development of digital and soft skills.
The organization is a meeting point for innovation and change, aimed for Madeira to be a creative community.

Innovation Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary)

Innovaform Nonprofit Ltd. is an education centre that specializes in relational and communicational aspects of organizational life.
They offer consultancy services and soft skill development for the economic and social actors taking into consideration discrimination and LGBT rights. Through their wide network, they create, develop and implement innovative approaches in the field of education with the help of their highly qualified expert team from different fields of knowledge.

Technologos Research and Innovation Services (Cyprus)

Technologos Research and Innovation Services consists of a group of researchers, scientists, educators and engineers with prior experience from both industry and academia, focusing on the development of digital educational interventions, as well as research projects.
Their team specialises in the design, implementation and localisation of online platforms, serious games and simulation models, that include personalisation elements using Machine Learning algorithms.

Foundation "Centre for European Initiatives" (Bulgaria)

The key priorities of the Centre for European Initiatives Foundation are civil rights, youth participation and regional development based on collaboration between young people and local institutions and authorities. They organise activities, courses and workshops on lifelong learning and personal development for young people. They also organise Living Libraries (an event as a tool to fight stereotypes) and Forum theatres to stimulate the creative search for changing behaviours in society.